Friday, October 5, 2007

Green Turtle

When we last blogged, we were at Green Turtle Bay Marina and Resort
That Friday (September 28th), we stayed to have some minor plumbing work done, but because they did not have the parts needed, the repair didn’t happen. It was a beautiful day so we rented a golf cart from the resort and went to the little town of Grand Rivers, Kentucky, for an ice cream float and to pick up a few items at the local IGA store. Because we had the cart, we returned that evening with some boater friends to have dinner at Patti’s 1880 Settlement restaurant which features good country style cooking with huge portions. It was a challenge to drive the couple of miles down rural roads after dark to return to the marina.
Saturday dawned clear and warm. After fueling, we were underway about 9:30. We headed down Barkley Lake to the Barkley Canal cut which took us into Kentucky Lake. Since it was a weekend with beautiful weather, there were lots of fishermen and houseboats out on the Lake. We needed to proceed at a slower pace. The scenery was lovely and I could only imagine the beauty we would see along the tree lined shores, if the trees had started to turn color, but they had not. Kentucky Lake became the Tennessee River as we headed South, and even though we were heading South, we had to report our location to the few passing tows we encountered as “upbound”. The Tennessee River is one of a very few rivers in the United States that runs north.
Late that afternoon, we found a peaceful, secluded anchorage aptly called Birdsong Creek because it was near a rookery! An evening at anchor in a secluded spot, safe from the towboat traffic, was very relaxing and enjoyable!

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