Wednesday, July 4, 2007


I never expected to see a cold rainy Fourth of July---usually it is sweltering hot and sunny at Coldwater and in Kirkwood. BUT, we are in Hastings, Ontario it is cool and rainy! Yesterday’s travels took us on the Trent Severn Waterway to Campbellford, Ontario from Trenton, a distance of 31 miles. It took us all day—literally from 8:15 am to 5:00pm. Not quite as efficient as the Erie Canal Locks when Weises were with us—but, we finally arrived in Campbellford. Docked at the city dock and rode our bikes around the little town.

This morning we went to Tish’s Restaurant for breakfast. Next, we visited the local bakery and the farmer’s market before returning to the boat to get on our way. It rained almost all day—three outfits for the captain and four for the first mate because we had to be outside while transiting the locks-- but we finally docked here in Hastings. We are “on the wall” outside the lock. Captain Ned made an emergency run to the local liquor store. The Fourth of July message from Bob Swearingen was very good and appreciated!

Hopefully, the weather tomorrow will be fairer, but the forecast is not too promising. Stay Tuned.


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