Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Ludington and the Travis Family

AWEIGH left Frankfort Sunday on a beautiful clear day. The ride south to Ludington was smooth and enjoyable and on our approach to Ludington, we were able to cruise close enough to the shoreline that our friends the Travis’ could see me waving to them at their cottage, the Summer White House.

Harborview Marina, where we docked, is one of the nicest facilities we have stayed in during our entire trip. There are many amenities including a pool, workout room, separate library room and a nice large clubhouse.

Sunday evening Ed and Irene came for happy hour on the boat, followed by dinner at a popular local restaurant, Steamers. We had lots of catching up to do with the Travis’.

Monday was spent at Epworth at the Summer White House. It is tournament week so we watched Lynn Kavanaugh (Travis’ daughter) play her first match which she won. The picture is Lynn and her Dad. By the way, Lynn and our daughter-in-law Julie are best of friends. Ed, the master “barbecuer”, prepared wonderful chops for dinner and we were joined by Tracy Cain the daughter- in-law of our good friends Ann and Dan Cain.

Today (Tuesday), we were up early to see the S. S. Badger pull out of port and take it’s picture. The designation S.S. is for steam ship and it’s the only large ferry still operating in all the Great Lakes that is coal fired with original steam engines. It has been designated as a historic site and is truly a sight to see as see sails back and forth from Ludington to Manitowoc, Wisconsin twice daily. Badger at 410 feet long was and still is, the largest ferry to ever sail the lakes and was designed and built to handle railroad freight cars, but now only automobiles and passengers.

After breakfast, we called for public transportation—what a deal—they arrived in ten minutes and for one dollar each (senior citizen rate), took us to the clinic where I had my stitches removed in very little waiting time. The doctor thought my foot looked very good and it is much more comfortable without those eight stitches. Irene was going to take us there but we wanted to try the public transportation system and it is slick! I say this about every town, but Ludington is another charming, clean, friendly Michigan town. Later this afternoon we’ll get together with Ed and Irene, to have dinner together.

Today, Tuesday, is our grandson, EVAN’S third birthday! We’ll call him later today.

Wednesday morning we head further south to Musegeon. It has been quite hot here the last few days and I think the warm weather is preparing us for our return to St. Louis.


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