Thursday, May 17, 2007

Finally Underway

Finally, after several days delay, we pushed away from the dock in Ft. Myers and headed South and around the tip of Florida. Leaving at 7 am, we passed under the new Sanibel bridge and pointed AWEIGH toward the Keys.
Tuesday and Wednesday were days of frustration solving last minute boat problems, such as a misbehaving air conditioning unit, which little barnicles had decided was a good place to live in the cooling water hoses.
Today we cruised about 136 miles to Marathon in the Keys, where we are tonight in a rather marginal marina. As we backed into the slip, we forced several very large and angry pelicans to take flight. They later returned to sit on our boat railings and express their feelings by leaving a large deposit or two.
Got our first fuel price shock today and realized that trucking diesel fuel down into the Keys adds even more cost. Ouch. Plan to head out early tomorrow for Miami running in the Hawk channel which is outside the Keys in the Atlantic. Weather and waves look good. Pictures will be coming later, since the Captain managed to forget the cable for downloading pictures from the camera. We'll try and find one in Miami.
Ned and Judy

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