Thursday, May 24, 2007

More Excitement

Because of our ”speeding" ticket and dragging anchor on Monday, we assumed that our troubles were over…..Wrong!!
On Tuesday we left Ft. Pierce and headed north to Daytona. After trying to go outside in the Atlantic and finding 5 to 7 footers, we returned to the Intercoastal and had a great cruise until late in the afternoon. About ten miles south of Daytona, the “impossible” happened. The Captain managed to miss a temporary buoy marker at an ocean inlet about ten miles south of Dayton and we ran aground as the tide was going out. The shoaling at ocean inlets is always a problem and we managed to find an unmarked shoal. Well it was midnight before the tide came in and we were finally pulled off by TowBoat US ( the triple A of boating). At 7am the next morning (Wednesday), we had the boat hauled at Daytona Marine yard, our spare set of props installed and we headed north by 9am. Really great service.

Spent the night in St. Augustine at Camachee Island Marina which is a new and wonderful marina just north of town and away from the bridge construction and pile driving at the old “Bridge of Lions” bridge in the heart of St. Augustine. Beautiful evening dinner outside listening to live music and watching the sun set over the water. Amazing how things change in 24 hours.

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