Friday, May 25, 2007

Report from the First Mate

Greetings from the “first mate” also known as the first wife! We are at Isle of Hope Marina which is just south of Savannah. After a rough start, we have had some very pleasant days on the water even though the strong winds out of the east kept us from going on the outside
We have stayed at some very nice marinas and met some great folks along the way. Last night at St. Simon’s Island, a boat pulled in and the fellow told us he was taking the boat to Ft. Myers to put in a dock at a place called Gulf Harbour (on the B Dock) .He said he bought the boat up north and lives in Naples. About that time his phone rang and then it started to rain so we never got his name. He was gone early this morning.

Because we have done this trip before (ten years ago on Sunchaser, the first of our Last Boats) we are not doing a lot of repeat sightseeing. We want to get further north and closer to Baltimore where Herb and Mary Jones will be joining us on June 8th.

The pictures taken today show a “shrimper” in a sound south of Savannah and some of the pretty homes we saw approaching our marina.

Tomorrow we will be at Hilton Head and will see Ruth and John Meyer and Dottie and Jack Connell, long time St. Louis friends.


After Judy wrote a quick note in the blog late this afternoon, we cleaned up and went “to town” for dinner. Had such an interesting experience, that we wanted to add a late addenda to today’s message. Just as a reminder, we’re moored at a marina in Isle of Hope, south of Savannah, GA, and town is about a mile plus from the marina.

We thought it would be good exercise to walk to town and have dinner at the Driftaway Café, so we were standing in the street trying to figure which way to town, when a local fella stopped his car and offered to take us there. We accepted his ride and appreciated it, since the marina’s idea of a mile was pretty generous. It was probably two.

Dinner was great and I had an entrée of fried green tomatoes with crab meat, asparagus, and hollandaise sauce (southern dish) and Judy had fresh fish, followed by fresh strawberries and cream. When we asked for someone to call a cab to take us back to the marina, the owner came out, leaving the Friday night dinner crowd of probably 60 to 80 people to drive us in his car. He proceeded to give us an tour of the town including the entrance to an old anti-bellum plantation called Wormsloe, which with it’s tree lined entrance, looked like Tara from Gone With the Wind. They planned to produce silk, and the project was a total failure. The homes lining the waterfront here are old colonial style homes in the multi million dollar range. By the way, the restaurant owner, who is also a multi generation resident, was named Robin Quattelbaum. We loved that old southern name and the town.


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